To Everyone Else Who Ever Tried To Love Me

I would like to start this by saying that I am extremely sorry. I am sorry you tried to love me, I am sorry that you gave me a piece of yourself that you will never get back. Because the truth is, you never stood a chance. Some of you were fantastic, so kind and caring, the kind of man that every female wants, and to you I am especially sorry, because you deserve someone to love you with every fiber of her being. And I hope you found her. Some of you were cruel once you realized I could never return to feelings you showed for me, and that is fine, I hold no resentment, no grudges, it’s not your fault. It was a mixture of my fault and simply your personality. I could never have loved you the way you tried to love me, so it is understandable that you could feel that way. And to the rest of you who hold no particular feelings about my lack of return of emotion, you are the lucky ones. See, the problem truly was within me, not you. You could have done everything exactly right and you still wouldn’t have been him. The man who stole my heart years ago, the man who I always knew would come back to me, and therefore I guarded my heart, kept it locked up in a little box in the back of the closet, collecting dust but knowing someday it would get use again. Admittedly, I slipped a few times, I retrieved my heart from that box and gently pushed it your way, but it didn’t respond how I had hoped it would. It was sad, because the only thing it craved was him, and you unfortunately were not him. So, apologetically, I put it back in the box and continued waiting for the day when it’s rightful owner would return. I knew what was happening before it even happened. One day, the box rustled, ever so gently, and I knew it was coming. Before I knew it, my heart was jumping out of the box, hastily making its way back to him. And he did return, just like I knew he would, and it was the most beautiful day of my life. 

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