Glass Houses

Today I want to talk about something that has bothered me for quite some time now. This particular situation I will speak of involves my brother, but I assure you it happens to me all the time. As much as I don’t want to, I do understand where people are coming from, but it still bothers me. 

I like to partake in smoking weed, (Marijuana, cannibus, ganja, Mary Jane, reefer, whatever you want to call it), and I happen to live in a state where it is medically legal. Not only that, but I also have a medical card! Yay for me! I can smoke and have no one give me grief for it! Right!? Wrong. So very, very wrong. 

Let me give you a run down of the other night. I’m on vacation with my brother and a friend. My brother, very against smoking, (ironic considering he used to do it all the time) my friend, not so much. She doesn’t do it regularly, but she will occasionally. My friend, my brother, and I were going to the beach. I said well of course I have to smoke to go to the beach. Duh. Judgement, that’s what I got from my brother. Come on, you don’t need to smoke. It’s illegal. Umm. Pretty sure I just watched he and my friend drink five beers and two double vodka tonics and drive home the night before….but that kind of illegal is perfectly acceptable apparently. 

If you don’t read my blog or know this already, I’m also a bartender. I serve people alcohol for hours on end and watch them fall apart and lose their shit regularly. Someone can be falling down, puking down their shirt, drunk texting their ex fifteen pages of sob story, and that’s ok because they’re drunk. And yet! These are the same people who look at me like I’m the scum of the earth if they find out I may smoke a joint or two and laugh until the sun comes up. 

Why do we live in a society where this is the case? Why do I have to feel bad for doing something that doesn’t make me violent, angry, sloppy, unable to drive, and might I add, it’s legal! I don’t judge the people I serve, and TRUST ME I could. I have seen so much shit that you would only believe if you were also a bartender and had witnessed something similar. But I let this all slide. Why can’t other’s let it slide for me? Why can’t they say It’s totally fine if you want to smoke, because I’m going to get shit faced drunk tonight! 

I also feel I should add that I don’t drink. I used to, I may even partake every once in awhile and have a beer or two, but for the most part I just smoke. You know what’s the most funny thing about me not drinking? I get judged for that almost as often as I get judged for smoking!!! Why??? Why does it make me bad to not drink? Why does it make me bad to smoke? Why can’t I just go about my life living it happily while not harming a single other person? 

In conclusion I will say this:

If you know someone that smokes, especially if you live in a state where it is legal recreationally or medically, shut the f*ck up about it and continue living your life.


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